34 beautiful inspiring daily gems for every birth goddess to positively re-program your mind and discover your magnificence.
Positive daily gems you can use to re-program your mind and discover your magnificence. Each card contains a stunning birth goddess image on one side and a powerful birth quote with empowering birth affirmation to prepare yourself for a positive birth experience on the other. The perfect gift set for yourself or a friend in bloom you care about. And the best antidote to birth fright and horror stories.
“Underneath the fear, negativity and self doubt is a powerful birthing goddess just waiting to be revealed!” ~Katrina Zaslavsky (Birth Goddess)
Sample message from Birth Goddess Cards:
Empowering Birth Quote:
“For far too many women, pregnancy and birth is something that happens to them, rather than something they set out consciously and joyfully to do themselves.”
Empowering Birth Affirmation:
“I focus on a smooth, peaceful, joyous birth and take extra care of my mind body and spirit. Birth is beautiful.”
Birth Goddess Cards are great for…
Self help tool during pregnancy or labour aid – get your support person to read the affirmations to you during labour to keep you strong, calm and positive
Baby shower or mother blessing gift or group circle activity – Bring back the magic, miracle and beauty in the preparation process! Give the pregnant mama the feeling that she is strong, capable and superbly designed to do this!