Our Community Blog

Birthing in A Birth Pool Can Be Soothing and Calming

Birthing in A Birth Pool Can Be Soothing and Calming

Posted by Jenna on 22nd Jun 2024

We had such a lovely experience with the water birth of our second son. With quite a short labour this time around (just under 4hrs), it was quite intense! Once we realised how quickly things were progressing, my husband raced to fill the birth pool and it was such a beautiful sensation to be able to clamber in and calmly birth our baby under the comforting warm water just like we'd hoped, right …
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7 Amazing Reasons to Use a TENS Machine in Labour

7 Amazing Reasons to Use a TENS Machine in Labour

Posted by Mirjana. M on 22nd May 2024

Labour TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) machines are supportive during labour for several reasons. The main reason i find that women wish to use them is because they want to have a natural vaginal delivery. TENS machine is a main pain relief tool in labour, supporting women to avoid pharmaceutical intervention which often leads to the cascade of interventions.Reason to use a TENS …
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Emina's Birth in a Nutshell

Emina's Birth in a Nutshell

Posted by Emina. G on 18th Mar 2024

Last year when I delivered my 3rd bub, I had to get induced (yay). I had the balloon inserted at 3pm the day before.From then until 11pm I was contracting every 5-7 minutes until the balloon finally fell out which meant it was time to go to the hospital! Arrived at the ward around 5am, started the induction straight away & the contractions were hitting real hard! But thank goodness for the tens ma …
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A Breech Birth Experience

A Breech Birth Experience

Posted by Talisha Morgon on 7th Feb 2024

The birth of my second son was a wild ride, as they all are!After a very quick and ‘text book’ birth with my first son, we had decided that we wanted to be in the comfort of our own home for the birth or our second son.I had a water birth with my first and wanted to eliminate the car ride to hospital as well as lower the risk of intervention.I’d ordered a birth pool and tens machine from Birth Mot …
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